Monday, July 14, 2008

The Legend of the Grey Goose

" Grey Goose" acrylic 50"x 50" (c) Bill Osmundsen
Ode to The Grey Goose

The Grey Goose flew over the water
With a silver chalice in his beak.
He knew he was the inspiration
For a drink served both cold and neat.
The Grey Goose honks victorious
His fame spread meritorious.
From Canada to Southern climes
He migrates to survive.
Oh where would the Martini be
If he hadn’t flown bye
Maybe with ole James Bond
In Scotland or about to die.
Only with fortitude
Did the Grey Goose make plain
That the Martini has won
Lording to everyone's acclaim.
The Grey Goose fly's over the wetlands
Endangered by the years
So lets drink to Grey Goose
With laughter and with tears.
The Grey Goose flew over the water
With a silver chalice in his beak.
He knew he was the inspiration
For a drink served both cold and neat.
For particulars on purchasing the original acrylic painting
Grey Goose by Wm Barth Osmundsen
please visit our web site:
Enjoy the Summer and your Grey Goose
Thanks for visiting, Bill Osmundsen